Apodyopsis is a proudly South African clothing brand that focuses on quality and authenticity. The brand conceptualizes ideas based around the connections created with pieces of clothing and all the impulses that exist within that make us human. The brand was founded in 2017 in the heart of Johannesburg. The vision was to create products that exhibit the capability of young South Africans, providing a platform of expression that resonates and transcends all limitations. The brand views clothing as more than just a piece of cloth but an armor, a need, alive but most of all a basic item that no human can live without, it’s something used to identify ourselves and others. The brand strives to create pieces of the highest quality and to create a space and a platform for people to connect, to share their ideas and collide their minds so that together we exist as ourselves. We recently had an opportunity to sit down with the guys from Apodyopsis and this is how it went.

HJ:                              Can you tell us more about your unique style as a brand and that how it embodies the brand?

Apodyopsis:            We haven’t put a label to the type of clothing we make, we don’t define ourselves in a certain genre. It’s more a feel through the process, we like to think ourselves as modern classics, we believe that it’s in the balance do we find perfection. being able to adapt different ideas from different times with each other to create something new and authentic, something modern but will also breakthrough time to remain a classic. We don’t like limitations; we try to keep things simple and just have fun with it.

HJ:                              How do you introduce new pieces to the brand and is there a name to the latest pieces. (If so, what inspired the name and the pieces?

Apodyopsis:            We call our collections evolutions, as we keep evolving. our last collection was title Evolution 2: Imperfection, a ready to wear winter collection, our first ever.   Being a new brand and so limited with resources we experienced many challenges, many restrictions, nothing went according to plan. We guess that was a fitting representation for life and us as people , as youth , as a society , things not always going our way , but it’s how we are capable of adapting and using our intelligence to redefine the direction and in that making us who we are. Its where our stitches come loose is us

HJ:                              Can you list the items on your current collection.

Apodyopsis:            Jean, Jaen, denim , Black sheep , Wolfe , somebody , jump , SA , short , dojos , greys

HJ:                              We saw DJ Speedsta rocking your Denim Fur Jacket on live TV, that is big, how did that come about?

Apodyopsis:            One of the members on our team is just an absolute gem that we love to death just so happened to be styling Speedsta for that episode of live amp, so we got lucky and very thankful to Nadia for plugging us. Speedsta loved the jacket.

HJ:                             You guys also have a major collaboration with Trace Mobile, can you speak more on that?

Apodyopsis:            Trace Mobile approached us with the proposal of hosting our products on their app to provide their uses with the opportunity to purchase our items at a discounted price and we were like, why not! It’s really cool how they’re enabling and creating spaces for start-up and local brands to showcase themselves, being as big as they are its very uplifting, big respect to them.

HJ:                              You guys recently had the Evolution 2 Imperfection fashion show, can please talk on how that happened and how the audience took the show.

Apodyopsis:            The fashion show was cool, we got InTouch with the people at vehement youth, a fashion-based organization from cape town. Sunday sessions a social gathering/ events / party company that always have the best vibes to throw a sick after party. Together we all decided to combine our expertise to throw a successful event that I don’t think many people in Johannesburg had experienced. We had a more than expected turn out, so much so that people were waiting outside to get in.

HJ:                             Where can people buy your products?

Apodyopsis:            We have an online store, www.apodyopsis.co.za as it stands, were looking to find outlets that resonate with our brand to eventually have our pieces on their shelves

HJ:                              Where can people find you on social media?

Apodyopsis:            Social media on:

Instagram @apodyopsisclothing

Facebook: Apodyopsis

Twitter @apodyopsislife

HJ:      Lastly, thank you so much for your time.

Apodyopsis:            Thank you for the recognition, its rewarding to know that people care. Thanks, so much

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